So you've configured everything needed, and you know how the app works? Good! Then you're ready to start tracking your sleep positions while sleeping.
If you did not configure the app, please read Getting Started first.
Uitleg over hoe gsm aanbrengen, link naar heuptasje.
Start drukken en GSM wegstoppen en slapen.
Tijdens slaap: vibratie/geluid alarm in alarm positie (indien geconfigureerd)
Bij ontwaken: gsm bovenhalen, en slider naar rechts schuiven om te stoppen.
Nadien sessie beschikbaar bij "statistics"
Using the app
Attach your smartphone to your body
In order to track your sleep positions during while sleeping, you need to attach your phone close to your body. This way, your phone can detect your positions and record them. You can attach your phone to your body using a running belt. These are compact, and a perfect fit for your phone. Choose one which is just big enough to put your phone in, as you don't want a large bag on your body while sleeping.
E.g. look for something like this:
We advise installing the belt on your chest, but you can choose other options (e.g. belly) as well, as long as you put your phone on a body part which doesn't move independently from your sleep position. E.g. your arms are not a good option, because you can put your arms in all kinds of positions which do not indicate your sleep position.
This is how it looks when using a running belt and positioning on your chest:
Start tracking
When you've installed the running belt on your body, open the Torena app, and press the "START" button.
If you've configured a delayed start, a countdown timer will start to let you know when the session will actually start. This would also buy you some time to put your smartphone in the running belt and take your preferred position to start sleeping.
The countdown timer when using a delayed start.
Turn off your screen, the app will continue to run in the background.
Put away your phone in the running belt in the position as you've configured before (screen facing up or downwards, top orientation, etc).
Take your preferred position to start sleeping, and enjoy your night.
The app will track your movements and log every sleep position you take while sleeping.
If you've configured an alarm, the alarm will go off whenever you're in the configured alarm sleep position. This can be either a vibration alarm, a sound alarm, or both.
The alarm will automatically stop when you take a different sleep position.
Stop tracking
When you wake up in the morning, you can stop tracking your sleep positions.
Take out your phone, and activate the Torena app screen.
You will see a timer running, and underneath an overview of all sleep positions with the amount of times you were in them and total time for each.
The session running when checking after waking up.
Swipe the slider from left to right to stop the tracking session.
The session will be ended, and you will see the start screen again (showing the START button).
You can navigate to "Statistics" where you will find your session on top of the list.
The statistics with a list of all your tracked sessions, the last one will be shown on top of the list.
Push it to see a detailed summary of your session with a graph etc.
You can zoom in/out on the graph using two fingers (similar as zooming in/out on a picture) to check a specific period in the graph.
A detailed summary of your tracked session, showing all sleeping positions you took while sleeping.
Further questions
That's it, you know know how to configure the app, and how to use it to track your sleeping positions while sleeping and get insights afterwards in your sleep positions.
If you have any further questions, please check the Frequently Asked Questions, or contact us.